Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lowest of the Low

I have what some might consider a morbid hobby. I catalog old cemeteries, and locate graves by request. I am a member of When someone requests a photo of a grave marker in a cemetery in my zip code, I get an email from FAG (I know, I don't like the acronym either). When I go to locate this grave, I often find damage by vandalism. I recently visited two vandalized cemeteries that particularly bothered me. One was in Cassville, Georgia (once the largest city between Nashville and Savannah, Cassville was the cultural center of North Georgia before the War Between the States. Read more here: The damage here was particularly heart breaking because of the unusually high number of Confederate soldiers buried here, including a general (for more look here: The vandals cracked and broke in crypts. They turned over markers and large uprights. They marred, defaced, and defiled a sacred place. There must be an especially hot portion of hell for such wicked people.
The other vandalized cemetery I recently visited is Oakwood in Spartanburg, SC. This cemetery is majestic. There are huge monuments and family crypts and mausoleums. Obviously Spartanburg's elite and wealthy are buried here. But there is also a pauper's field, and even it was damaged. Again, the wicked pranksters upset and overturned huge obelisks and ornate stones, breaking many in the process. Besides the thousands of dollars it will take to cleanup and correct the damage, there is the theft of solitude and sanctuary, dignity and honor. Who would do such a vile thing? Animals do not behave this way. Only wicked, fallen, depraved, twisted, perverted, sinful human beings. I pray the guilty will confess their crime and seek forgiveness from God and the community, lest they die and enter eternity with this guilt upon them.
Here is one stanza from an old poem that expresses what I feel:
He sleeps ~ what need to question now
If he were wrong or right?
He knows, ere this, whose cause was just
In God the Father's sight.
He wields no warlike weapons now,
Returns no foeman's thrust ~
Who but a coward would revile
An honest soldier's dust?

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