Saturday, December 5, 2009

Manhattan Declaration

For those of you who may not be aware of the Manhattan Declaration I submit the following news item and the link to read the document itself. I am always leery of signing things which are signed by religious leaders I would not ordinarily align with (such as Pentecostals and Roman Catholics), but when you are in a foxhole with enemy bullets flying overhead, you don't ask questions that divide, you protect one another's survival. Obviously the drafters and signers of this document feel that Christianity in the United States is nearly, if not already, in the foxhole. I have said for quite some time that the erosion of national morals and ethics is troublesome and sad, but when the government begins to legalize and protect behaviors that God clearly condemns, and to punish those who oppose and resist such legalization, then the USA has invited divine judgment. Clearly we have a president and a congress and two political parties that have forsaken the time-honored foundation upon which this nation was formed, namely, basic biblical theism. Simply stated, as Paul wrote in Romans 3:18, "There is no fear of God before their eyes."

I urge you to make yourself aware of this document by reading the following article and clicking over to the Declaration itself to read it. This will take some time. I am not asking you to sign the document. That is something you will have to decide. I have not signed it . . . yet. But I may. I certainly agree with what it says. One can hold these truths without signing, but obviously the drafters and signers hope to impress the opposition with large numbers of signatures. That is yet to be seen. Ask yourself this question, "If I knew that signing this document would place me and my family in jeopardy of reprisal (official or otherwise), would I sign it?" Here's the article:

Religious Leaders: Civil Disobedience OK to Protect Faith

Saturday, November 21, 2009 2:52 PM

A formidable coalition of 150 Catholic, Orthodox, and evangelical leaders is calling on Christians in a new manifesto to reject secular authority — and even engage in civil disobedience — if laws force them to accept abortion, same-sex marriage, and other ideas that betray their religious beliefs.

On Friday, these leaders released a 4,700-word document, titled the "The Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience," which calls on Christians to engage in civil disobedience to defend their doctrines.

Those signing the document ranged from evangelical leader Chuck Colson to two of the leading Catholic prelates in the United States, Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C., and Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York.

The document also blasts the Obama administration, saying that social ills have grown since the election of President Obama, an abortion rights advocate, along with an erosion of what it calls "marriage culture" with the rise of divorce, greater acceptance of infidelity, and the uncoupling of marriage from childbearing.

The project is aimed at instilling social conservative beliefs in a new generation of believers, Colson said.

"We argue that there is a hierarchy of issues," he told The New York Times. "A lot of younger evangelicals say they're all alike. We're hoping to educate them that these are the three most important issues" – abortion, marriage, and religious liberty.

"We are Orthodox, Catholic, and evangelical Christians who have united at this hour to reaffirm fundamental truths about justice and the common good, and to call upon our fellow citizens, believers and non-believers alike, to join us in defending them," says the declaration, which was drafted by Colson, an evangelical, and Princeton University professor Robert P. George, a Roman Catholic.

The declaration lists the "fundamental truths" as the "sanctity of human life, the dignity of marriage as the conjugal union of husband and wife, and the rights of conscience and religious liberty."

"Throughout the centuries, Christianity has taught that civil disobedience is not only permitted, but sometimes required," says the document, which cited civil rights icon Martin Luther King and his willingness to go to jail for his beliefs.

"Because we honor justice and the common good," it states, "we will not comply with any edict that purports to compel our institutions to participate in abortions, embryo-destructive research, assisted suicide or euthanasia or any other anti-life act; nor will we bend to any rule purporting to force us to bless immoral sexual partnerships, treat them as marriages or the equivalent, or refrain from proclaiming the truth, as we know it, about morality and immorality and marriage and the family."

George and other signers backed off from specifically defining what civil disobedience may entail. Wuerl's office played down the civil disobedience wording, saying he wasn't urging Catholics to "do anything specific," his spokeswoman, Susan Gibbs, told The Washington Post. "That wasn't something we had talked about."

"We certainly hope it doesn't come to that," said George, who told The Washington Times that he has represented a West Virginia resident who has refused to pay a portion of her state income tax that funds abortions. "However, we see case after case of challenges to religious liberty," such as compelling pharmacists to carry abortifacient drugs or healthcare workers to assist in abortions, he said.

"When the limits of conscience are reached and you cannot comply, it's better to suffer a wrong than to do it," he said.

Unveiling the declaration Friday, Wuerl appeared at a news conference in the District of Columbia even as the church was considering a city-proposed compromise on its same-sex marriage measure.

He and other church officials say the bill would require faith-based groups like Catholic Charities to extend benefits to married same-sex partners, thus forcing Christians to abandon their religious liberty. On Friday, Catholic Charities of Boston halted adoption services rather than comply with state law and allow children to be adopted by homosexual couples.

Other signatories to the document include Cardinal Justin Rigali, outgoing chairman of the U.S. Catholic bishops' Committee for Pro-Life Activities; Pentecostal leader Harry Jackson, pastor of a Beltsville church; evangelical activist Tony Perkins; and National Association of Evangelicals President Leith Anderson.

Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, told Newsweek the point of the Declaration is really to avoid mistakes of the past, such as when religious leaders did not stand up early enough against no-fault divorce, which he says led directly to the breakup of families and high divorce rates.

“I’m a former police officer, and I have hard time with civil disobedience, but if it comes to the point where our religious liberty is at risk, I’d not only participate but would encourage people to resist.”

The leaders are urging the public to sign the online document. [End of article]

Now, if you aren't tired of reading or bored with all this, here is the link to the document itself: (you may have to copy & paste to your browser)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Wasted War Efforts

America (more particularly certain American presidents in hopes of leaving some lasting legacy for history) has declared war on drugs, poverty, illiteracy, AIDS, sickness and terrorism, to name a few. How are these wars going? Well, they are long-lasting and very expensive, but so far we are losing on every front. And I predict the war against global warming is a lost cause before it even gets out of the box. But, like the other social wars before it, the bottom line is the bottom line. Too many already rich and powerful people stand to gain even more riches and power through these ill-fated war efforts.

Recently I walked the halls of a local elementary school. The walls are covered with essays, drawings, poems, photo projects about global warming. This is thoroughgoing brain washing. Teachers are telling these little kids that they are helping the planet survive by drawing their little pictures. Wouldn't you draw some stick figures if you believed it would help save the planet? "Well, teacher said . . . ." And teacher doesn't lie . . . does she? Well, it's not a lie if you believe it. And they obviously do believe it, though I can't fathom why educated people are falling for this. But I can't believe they embrace evolution either. But again, you don't get government grants to teach creation. Indeed, you can't get a job in higher education unless you embrace the official state religion, which also now includes the doctrine of global warming.

Take the former Vice President, Al Gore. He didn't do too well as a politician, but he has seen the light. He put his political life in a lock box and became an evangelist of the state religion with a specialty in planetary prophecy: "Doom lies ahead unless you repent of your sinful carbon-producing ways!" Well, he won a million bucks from the egg heads that give away Pulitzers. And now we are told that he has invested heavily (with federal grant money, by the way) in "green" industries (probably because he knows this stuff will be forced upon us) and stands to become a billionaire [see:]

The war on sickness (AKA Health Care Reform) is no different. This national health care thing just may be the proverbial straw that breaks the back of the American camel. In the meantime, however, lots of people stand to become very rich and powerful. I'm just not sure what they plan to do with their riches and power when America grinds to a halt, or worse finally falls into the hands of Islamofacists.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Beginning of the End

Whenever the United States has an enemy without--someone out there or over there who poses a threat to our security and future existence--we are willing to fight for our survival. But what I fear in the current political climate is the enemy within. Even with all the protests at the grass roots, we as a nation seem willing to simply forget the past, happily dismiss all that our predecessors fought and died for, and embrace a pragmatic philosophy that promises to give all of us everything we will ever need. It's a lie, a pipe dream, a mirage. I fear the USA is on a downhill slide toward socialism and the generation under 40 is glad to have it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Card Games Reprieve

In fairness to Ingles Supermarkets, I must report that persistence has paid off. Why should that surprise me? Christ said, "Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you." Okay, so I sought for the lost card and could not find it. I knocked at (emailed) Ingles and asked them to please check the card to see if it had been used and if not, simply cancel it. First, I didn't think they would do that; and second, I figured that surely after the passing of this much time the card was zeroed out. But today I received an email from Ingles saying the card had NOT been used, and it has now been canceled and they are sending me a new replacement card with the correct balance on it.

I have to tell you that I was floored. I honestly didn't think this would happen, but it did. So, kudos to Ingles and especially the woman who went to bat for me, whose name I will protect here but you can bet I'm writing to Ingles corporate office to commend her.

Morale: Good things still do happen (often after bad things). So, pray, seek, knock, ask, then look for the silver lining. Granted, it doesn't always turn out like this, but when it does, enjoy it . . . and share it (which I have).

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Card Games

I think I've had it with all the grocery store cards. I have all these things dangling from my key chain so that I can get the best price at the grocery store. Hey, we all know what this is really for, they are keeping track of everything I buy and every nickle I spend. They know when I shop, how often I shop, where I shop and how I pay. For years my wife and I have bought our gas at Ingles Super Markets because (you guessed it), if you buy another card (in this case a prepaid gift card), you get a reduced price.

The gift card industry has netted millions for those who sell them. This is cash in the bank for them whether the cards ever get used or not. And that's the whole idea. I can't tell you how many restaurant gift cards I have in a drawer with too little left on them to buy anything, but the seller gets the left over funds. Indeed, they already have it. Did you ever wonder how many of these things get lost or stolen each year? Oh I know, they tell you treat them like cash, but can you really treat them like cash? I can't fold them neatly into my wallet, and I hardly have room for them in the card slots because they're full of the store cards and other credit cards.

Recently, I purchased an Ingles gift card for gas purchases. It was actually my wife's card and I was renewing it, as we have done for years. But somehow, between the cash register and the car, I lost that card. I panicked. I searched myself, all around me, and in the car. I retraced my steps to the register and asked if, indeed, I was given the card. They took my receipts and looked at the security camera video and saw the cashier hand me the card and I put it into my pocket. Fine, so how about canceling the purchase? I mean, here I stand without the card. Here are the sales slips and charge receipts with all the ID numbers on them, and the transaction is only minutes old, so cancel it before someone tries to use that card. No deal. They're not responsible.

Look, I believe in personal responsibility. I know that if I lose my wallet, it's my own fault. And technically, if I lose a credit card that, too, is my own fault. BUT, the credit card company WILL cancel that card and not hold me responsible for any charges made on it after I lose it. That's part of the beauty and safety of credit cards (unlike debit cards, which unfortunately work like gift cards--like cash). And that's my whole beef with this prepaid gift card business. I think I have decided after this incident that I am through with the card games. Good old cash works just fine. And if some store wants to charge me a few cents extra for paying cash, I guess that's the price I pay for not shuffling all these ridiculous cards anymore. I'm tired of jumping through their hoops, yet when I make a mistake, they just stand there and look at me, offering no help or even any sympathy. Like the government, they say they are doing this to help me, to give me a break. Right. Look, I carry your store card anyway, and I buy the gift/gas card with a credit card, so if you REALLY want to help ME and do ME a favor, then let me simply scan my store card at the pump and pay with my credit card and bypass the whole buying another card business? We all know why.

Boy, this was an expensive lesson to learn. And to whoever found my lost gift/gas card, I hope you really needed it. You could have turned it in, since I believe it was lost inside the store. But that is really asking a lot these days. Sad.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Medicaid Blues

Inspired by a friend with Parkinson's Disease who recently had to move into a nursing home and who is now faced with unbelievable financial stress, I wrote the following lyrics for a "County Song". I do not read or write music, although I have a tune in my head, I have no way of indicating to the reader how that sounds. So, if you can, imagine your own tune as you read the following. But my prayer is that you never have to face what this song describes.

Medicaid Blues
Sittin' here in the nursin' home, wonderin' what to do;
Mama's gotta give the house away, 'cause she don't have a clue;
The government says, "We'll pay the bill, but here's what you must do:
"You gotta give it all away."
"You gotta give it all away: your house, your coat, your car---
"All you worked for all your life, and the change in the old fruit jar.
"You can't keep anything for yourself, you won't need it anyway,
"'Cause the government's gonna care for you 'til you just fade away.

I wonder how long a man can last when hope and pride are gone?
Never thought I'd be sittin' here, singin' this poor man's song,
But life can take some crazy turns, and the next turn may be you.
The government says they'll pay the bill, but here's what you must do:
You gotta give it all away: your house, your coat, your car---
All you worked for all your life, and the change in the old fruit jar.
Can't keep anything for yourself, you won't need it anyway,
'Cause the government's gonna care for you 'til you just fade away.

Never had a thing I didn't earn earn, I never took one red cent;
Always had enough to feed the kids, and enough to pay the rent.
Now times are hard and cash is scarce and I'm a little short, it's true,
But the government says they'll pay the bill, here's all I have to do:
I gotta give it all away: my house, my coat, my car;
All I've worked for all my life and the change in the old fruit jar.
Can't keep anything for myself, I won't need it, so they say,
'Cause the government's gonna care for me 'til I just fade away.
Yes, the government's gonna care for me 'til I just fade away.

(c)2009 J Ray Bobo

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Obama Sensitivity & Media Bias

I can't help but wonder what the liberal media would be saying if it was George W. Bush taking his daughters all over the place having the time of their lives at tax payer expense while the rest of the nation is suffering the worst unemployment rate since the great depression. I can't blame Barry for wanting to show his girls a good time (all three of them) while he has the chance, but I just can't believe the hypocrisy of the press who look on approvingly and uuu and ahh about how sweet it all is. We all know exactly what they would be doing if it were 43: going for the juggler with eyes flashing and fangs dripping. Makes me sick.

Speaking of sick. I think we the people ought to terminate the benefit program for our employees, namely, all current and former members of congress and senators. These folks ask for money to get elected, then get to keep what left in their campaign fund when they retire at full pay for life with 100% medical insurance at tax payers expense. Does that make you feel like it does me? It would be one thing if these folks did something really heroic and earned such benefits, but in truth all they did was get elected and voted themselves these benefits. And they have the audacity to rail at the Wall Street tycoons, auto execs and oil company chiefs. Sick!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cable TV is a BIG Ripoff

An elderly woman I know (and I'm not spring chicken!) asked me to help her with her TV. It seems that she had cable and they told her she needed to get a new digital TV. So, she went out and got one (not cheap). Then they told her she needed a set-top box (a fancy converter so they can charge more). They came out and installed this without asking them to; said they "had" to. Then it began showing up on her monthly statement. I disconnected that thing and rescanned her set and she gets all the stations she wants; picture is good, sound is good, she just can't buy X-rated movies (poor thing, how will she ever survive?). Boy, what would we do without our government? I mean they sell off the VHS bands without asking us, the people, who supposedly "own" the air above our nation, then they force us to buy converter boxes or new TVs so we can watch the new UHS signals. They tells that if you are already getting cable, then you don't need to do anything; the signal you will receive will already be converted and your TV will work. But, the cable companies figure out how to scramble things anyway and tell this lady she needs a new digital TV, and then she needs a new set-top box (high-tech unscrambler) to use that new TV. Lies! All lies. I unhooked that box and put the cable connection directly into her TV and she gets all the stations she wants.