Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Obama Sensitivity & Media Bias

I can't help but wonder what the liberal media would be saying if it was George W. Bush taking his daughters all over the place having the time of their lives at tax payer expense while the rest of the nation is suffering the worst unemployment rate since the great depression. I can't blame Barry for wanting to show his girls a good time (all three of them) while he has the chance, but I just can't believe the hypocrisy of the press who look on approvingly and uuu and ahh about how sweet it all is. We all know exactly what they would be doing if it were 43: going for the juggler with eyes flashing and fangs dripping. Makes me sick.

Speaking of sick. I think we the people ought to terminate the benefit program for our employees, namely, all current and former members of congress and senators. These folks ask for money to get elected, then get to keep what left in their campaign fund when they retire at full pay for life with 100% medical insurance at tax payers expense. Does that make you feel like it does me? It would be one thing if these folks did something really heroic and earned such benefits, but in truth all they did was get elected and voted themselves these benefits. And they have the audacity to rail at the Wall Street tycoons, auto execs and oil company chiefs. Sick!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cable TV is a BIG Ripoff

An elderly woman I know (and I'm not spring chicken!) asked me to help her with her TV. It seems that she had cable and they told her she needed to get a new digital TV. So, she went out and got one (not cheap). Then they told her she needed a set-top box (a fancy converter so they can charge more). They came out and installed this without asking them to; said they "had" to. Then it began showing up on her monthly statement. I disconnected that thing and rescanned her set and she gets all the stations she wants; picture is good, sound is good, she just can't buy X-rated movies (poor thing, how will she ever survive?). Boy, what would we do without our government? I mean they sell off the VHS bands without asking us, the people, who supposedly "own" the air above our nation, then they force us to buy converter boxes or new TVs so we can watch the new UHS signals. They tells that if you are already getting cable, then you don't need to do anything; the signal you will receive will already be converted and your TV will work. But, the cable companies figure out how to scramble things anyway and tell this lady she needs a new digital TV, and then she needs a new set-top box (high-tech unscrambler) to use that new TV. Lies! All lies. I unhooked that box and put the cable connection directly into her TV and she gets all the stations she wants.