Saturday, July 31, 2010

My American Credentials

My earliest ancestors on both sides of my family immigrated lawfully, legally into the American colonies. My 5th and 4th paternal great-grandfathers were patriot soldiers in the American Revolutionary War. Both of my great-great-grandfathers were Confederate soldiers in the War Between the States. My paternal grandfather was an Army infantryman in WWI. My father was a US Marine during WWII. My uncles wore various uniforms of the USA. My father-in-law and his ancestors also wore various uniforms of the USA and served in various conflicts all the way back to the Revolution. My nephew has served two terms in Iraq and is currently in Afghanistan. Though I have never served in the military, I tried to enter several times and was turned down due to medical disqualifications. I have voted in every election since I turned 18 and feel it my obligation, my duty, and my privilege to do so in honor of my ancestors and all like them who fought to insure that I could vote. These are my credentials as an American, a tax-paying citizen of the United States.

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