Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Liberal Media Hypocrisy Over Olympics

Am I the only one who sees this? I mean, back home in the US of A we forbid anyone from being a loser. Right? I mean we did away with letter grading in schools lest we give kids a complex or bad image of themselves. Nobody "wins" or "loses" anymore. Everybody gets a prize. Just show up and your parents get a bumper sticker that says "My kid is a genius," or something to that effect. Well, likewise, don't you think that anyone who shows up at the Olympics wearing spandex leotards or a Speedo (or in the case of beach volleyball a bikini about four sizes too small for the body it's on) ought to win a prize? Yet here we are participating in Olympics that award winners gold, silver and bronze medals plus big cash payments. All the losers are left standing on the sidelines weeping as their coaches set up appointments with psychologists via their smart phones to try to salvage their wrecked lives. Now I surely hope that anyone reading this (and no one seems to) will know that I am being very facetious. If the Olympics teach American youth anything it is that only ONE person or team wins the gold medal in any event. Everybody can't be the winner. And their being told otherwise by American public schools, liberals and the media is just plain wrong. Along with being told how good, smart, beautiful, important, etc. they are, they need to learn how to fail. Don't slink away and hide, sucking your thumb. It isn't the end of the world; pick yourself up and move on. You know, get back on that horse and show it whose boss. That's real life.

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